Coaching with Mary, your Navigation Co-Pilot for

Transformation JOURNEYS


1:1 Coaching

Executive Coaching
for Corporate and Personal Transformations

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Group Coaching

Teams & Relationships
in Transition Coaching
to boost Alignment, Energy and Excellence

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Facilitation & EVENTS

Inspiring and Unique Corporate Story Telling, Education & Facilitation

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Coaching Credentials

What Mary’s Clients are saying:

Mary’s approach is transformative. …Mary brings a light-hearted perspective and thought-provoking problem-solving techniques that have not only helped me navigate professional hurdles but have also enriched my personal growth journey.

Through Mary’s coaching, I've learned to confront obstacles head-on, turning moments of defeat into opportunities for growth. Her insights have empowered me to rise above temporary setbacks and chart a course toward success with newfound confidence.

I wholeheartedly recommend Mary to anyone seeking an executive coach who is not only knowledgeable but also compassionate and dedicated to their clients' success.
— Director, FI

Mary listens, validates and then lobs a seemingly subtle probe that makes me pause, and think so differently. She’s empowering, enlightening and a trusted partner as I navigate my new role.
— PhD, Academics

Working with Mary is a game changer. While showing empathy and understanding, Mary will be honest with you, and more importantly, ask that you be honest with yourself.
— SVP, Finance

Mary coaches, inspires and motivates others through her insight, inquisitiveness and enthusiasm. The results are showing in how I react to stress and how my team reacts to me.
— S.V.P. Financial Industry

Mary is genuinely curious and interested and nothing seems to phase her. I not only look forward to our meetings, I appreciate having her on my side.
— Director, Marketing

Mary is warm and compassionate but also challenging. She is unconventionally effective and creatively inquisitive in the pursuit of helping me problem solve.
Senior Manager, Financial Communications