About Mary’s Coaching

Mary helps individuals and Corporations develop the energy, insight and behaviours to Succeed through Transformations Resulting in greater clarity, Success & Sustainable Value

Mary Munro Coaching and Consulting Combines 30+ years of experience in Health care, Management Consulting and as an Advisor, educator and executive in Finance,
with a unique set of CREDENTIALS in Coaching, Wellbeing, and CBT

Mary uses her EXPERIENCE, GENUINE curiosity, Interest and respect for cultures and personal experiences, with a sense of whimsy, to…
help Leaders at every LeveL:

Uncover the Clarity, Commitment and Confidence to Achieve their Goals

Enhance Self-efficacy and Leadership Skills
to Affect Positive Change in their Community

Foster Resliance and Relationships
through D&I, Psychological Safety and Wellbeing

Embed the Energy & Insight Required for
Successful, Sustainable Transformations

Mary Munro

 Mary Munro is a certified executive coach and facilitator, specializing in corporate and personal transformations. She is also a PhD Candidate in Inclusive Design and Creative Technology Innovation at SMARTlab, University College Dublin. 

Mary has over 30 years experience- as a former adjunct professor at University of Toronto, management consultant in corporate and healthcare, and as a banking executive. In every role, she has taken the opportunity to challenge the status quo and focus on the user experience to influence culture. Mary led enterprise regulatory transformation programs that enhanced the risk culture. She led the Innovation portfolio for control unctions and accelerated a culture of protection and change through technology. As the Vice President for Corporate Operations, Employee Education, Diversity & Inclusion and Communication, she enhanced the colleague experience while increasing efficiency.  

Mary’s volunteer work has included Chair of the TD Corporate Women in Leadership Council, mentoring new immigrant women in business, leading corporate colleague engagement and wellbeing programs during the pandemic and being Chair of the Homeward Bound industry council, ensuring single mothers received education and full-time employment in the Greater Toronto Area. 

Mary is also a forager and fermenter, and culinary alchemist focusing on fomenting thoughts and flavours with wild media such as bacterial cultures, natural yeasts and traditional, trans-generational methodologies. Through practical, artistic and professional application, Mary is examining the intersection of fermentation, feminism and leadership for ecologically sound, sustainable transformation.

Mary Munro Coaching and Consulting Approach


Or clarify, ideate, envision, scope….
This is an exciting first phase we invest in together and gain the clarity needed to address your opportunity with intrinsic motivation and energy.

As you and the team evolve, your ultimate goal may too so revisiting this is part of an overall dynamic process.


The challenges that come with leadership or forging new personal paths can make us feel alone. A coaching relationship flips that fabulously as discussions, insight and attention are focused on you and your needs.

Through professional and confidential conversations, you’ll learn more about your inner and environmental blocks and the unique ways to address them to meet goals.


Develop through dialogues, practice and try on new ways of thinking in a judgement-free, confidential space.

Develop tools insight and energy to think, feel and do, mindfully and with choice.

Develop with a coach in your corner - your sounding board, cheerleader, challenger and perspective partner.

Develop your vision, your why and your how.


Your personal coach is committed to you and your development. Investing such uninterrupted focus in you and your growth has incredible returns on investment - when you believe in development and commit to your own continuous learning, valuable things happen.

Coaching is about what you do, what you think and how you feel and examining those to enable you to show up in your roles as the very best version of yourself.